In this crazy internet world of instant fashion coverage, I'm a little bit nostalgic for the old days. Remember when it took months to find out what had transpired at a fashion week? There would be a little coverage in newspapers, then maybe some footage on Fashion Television, and finally a feature in Vogue magazine. During that time, not only would the year be edging closer to the actual season shown, editors would be distilling the essential looks and trends and deciding what deserved a valuable page in a magazine. This lead to a really cohesive feeling for a season, and a sense of trends building up then trickling down gradually through the fashion food chain.
Now fashion spins around so quickly, not only with the instant exposure online, but with all the pre-seasons and the constant release of new lookbooks. I find it dizzying and overwhelming, and so hard to settle into a season's essence. What's the fashion equivalent of not being able to see the forest for the trees? Mini-trends come and go so quickly that it's really not worth investing in anything of high quality, and because everything seems to be in style at once, I find nothing ever really looks fresh. It used to be that trends evolved slowly enough that it was as if your palette got cleansed, so when a designer came out with something new, it was really exciting. Imagine if, instead of military being coming "in" about every season and a half, we went without seeing an epaulet for three or four years... Wouldn't it really make headlines?
New York Fashion Week has just ending, and for anyone who cares, every designer and every look is available online. The factories overseas are already doing the knock-offs for H&M etc., and in a couple of weeks we'll be able to see the first looks showing up at the mall. I haven't really looked at much, except what I see on other blogs. Now that so many bloggers are covering fashion weeks, we're even more inundated with it. I feel like I'm suffering from overexposure. Am I the only one, or is anyone else feeling a fashion backlash in the air?