I wish this was me...
Spring is springing and it was actually sunny today after months of dark and damp. Maybe it's fitting that my first attempt at a blog is springing today too. I've been thinking about doing a blog for a while now; you know, everyone else is doing it, seems kinda cool. I imagine I'll write about fashion and whatever comes to mind. Witty observations and the like. I read lots of fantastic style blogs and can't imagine that mine will compare, but I plan to borrow liberally from other peoples good ideas. Outfit post tend to be a staple, and maybe doing that will help me get over my photo-phobia. I guess I could cover up my face like some bloggers do, but that would require knowing how to do that, and I think my techno-age is around four years old. Unlike my Wii Fit age, which is MUCH older. Does any one else think Wii is a little harsh? Anyway...
First outfit post:
Celebrating spring with shorts (over leggings) and my current favorite vest.
I love you and this outfit! XOXO