Monday, December 12, 2011

too busy to blog...

...been doing a puzzle.  Once I get started I just can't drag myself away.  I look at the clock and groan each time I see that it's twenty minutes past the last time I told myself I'd get up and put the laundry on or go grocery shopping.  Just a few more pieces...  But I finished it this afternoon, and it's a bit of a struggle not to open up the other one I've got waiting in the closet.  Something about this time of year; a cup of tea, slippers, a big jigsaw puzzle.

 I did get outside in the sun to make a wreath today, and I always love making a wreath.  It's not hard, and they always turn out looking so good, or at least I think so.  This year I took some scraps from the lot where we bought our tree so I could make an actual evergreen wreath, rather than my usual bamboo and twig variety.  We don't have any electrical outlets outside so we can't put up Christmas lights, so we need the wreath and the tree lit up right close to the front window so our neighbors don't think we're grinches.

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