Sunday, April 21, 2013


The sun is streaming through the windows this evening (revealing how desperately they need to be washed) and the forecast is for a few more sunny days this week, which is great news.  I think I saw one brave little pea shoot poking up in the vegetable garden this afternoon, but I'm really itching to get more seeds in the ground.

It's such a lovely time to walk around our neighbourhood.  Gardens are bursting with tulips, magnolia trees are erupting in pink and white, and the lilac trees are covered in buds - it won't be long now until that wonderful smell perfumes the air.  Looking at all these paintings of flowers makes me with that I had  more roses, but our yard is already packed pretty tight.  We have lots of shrubby roses and some little pink roses, but none of those big, bold, fragrant ones.  That's the upside when something dies; we get to replace it!

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