Monday, September 20, 2010

A Voodoo Wedding

A wedding is one event that I think people want to be dressed appropriately for, in general. Even the most free-spirited dresser might want to show their respect by dressing in a way that cultural conventions have deemed acceptable, and most of the time the location plays a role in this. Garden wedding: sundress. Fancy hotel ballroom: men in ties. Doughnut shop: ??? Polka dots and purple tights felt right, and I think most of the guests set the tone well. The onlookers above in jeans were innocent bystanders caught in a wedding as they were going about their Saturday doughnut shopping.

My little brother and his lovely bride Ashley tied the knot this weekend in Portland at Voodoo Doughnuts (it's kind of a cult thing) before a dozen friends and family, curious doughnut connoisseurs, and a black velvet painting of Voodoo patron saint Kenny Rodgers presiding above it all. We ate glorious fried pastries in celebration and had a fantastic dinner that confirmed the theory that portion sizes in the US are colossal. Congratulations you crazy kids, and thanks for planning a truly unforgettable and slightly surreal wedding!


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  2. yummy!!!!! I love donuts! What a cool idea!
