Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fall 2009 RTW (this is it, promise)

Now these looks I could do, don't you think?  So lovely, so thrift-interpretable.  I mean, the Fair Isle knits, the two-tone purple, the zippered blazer, the effortless mixing.  I'd do without the socks; it's cute on the runway but I'd look about four feet tall.

These outfits inspire me to put some pretty, crafty embellishments on old camis.  Just when I though I could purge my wardrobe of second hand lingerie.  So bad, yet so good.


  1. How funny, I've been thinking about crafting embellishments too! I was thinking of how I could do it with beads and wire, but don't tell anyone cuz I may incorporate that into my eco-challenge. Which I need to get crackin' on asap. Ps. I got rid of my second hand lingerie and I so regret it. xo.

  2. I love that first look, it is so cozy. Welcome to blogging neighbor. Will add you to my blogroll. :-)
    P.S You haven't entered the Giveaway on my blog yet!
    Style Symmetry Giveaway

  3. Thanks Alison, to enter thou you'd have to go the actual post, contest rules. :") Link in my last comment...
