But I really love this blouse. Like, LOVE love. Like if I ever have time, I will knock-off love. And it's not the kind of thing that would only look good on a tiny thing, right? I should really sew for myself more. I do have lots of excuses though: it's hard to go in to work on a day off, because I'll inevitably find work I should do, and I don't have space to draft, cut and sew at home, and when I have everything at work, it would be such a hassle to bring it home. Gahhh.... Maybe I'm good enough to stay late a few times a week? Sceptical...
I think this ruffle-y bow-y neckpiece by Fernanda Perera is cool too, and craftable, but when I make stuff like that (not that I've made anything like that), I sometimes feel a little silly wearing it. Sad truth.
very nice blouse. i recently bought a white blouse from the thrift store in a similar shape: elbow-length, puffy, almost bat-wingy sleeves, but of course, not nearly as exaggerated as these. and it's a tad too short for the sort of tuck-in i'd like, but what can you do?